Downtown Marquette Wedding | Hanna + Mike

Hanna and Mike met and fell in love while both attending Michigan Tech University in the (extremely) snowy town of Houghton, Michigan. In fact, it was during winter, Valentines Day to be exact, when Mike got down on one knee amidst a winter walk with Hanna and asked her to be his wife. With a kiss and an excitable yelp from their pup Archer (or so we like to imagine), Hanna said YES!

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Black Rocks Wedding | Natalia + Kevin

Natalia & Kevin traveled to Marquette Michigan for their wedding on a hot summertime Saturday. Having both attended Northern Michigan University in the town, it held the memories of where they met, fell in love, and got engaged. So it only seemed perfectly fitting to also tie the knot in the same sweet Northern town.


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Belsolda Farm Wedding | Kate + Fadi

It all started in Brooklyn in the spring.
Fadi was taking the R-train subway, en route to visit some friends in Bay Ridge. It wasn’t until he was getting off the R-train that he glanced back into the train window and saw her. The most beautiful blue eyed girl, locking eyes with him and smiling. Without hesitation, he cut back away from the stairs and got back on to approach the woman and ask for her number.



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