End of the Season Reflection

Posted on October 21, 2015 | 2 comments

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. Okay, almost always life doesn’t go as planned. And almost always, it works out for the better. These past few months feel like they flew by in a blurry whirlwind, and in the midst of them I often lost track of which week we were in.


This summer marked our second year of photographing weddings (it is technically our third year of business, but let’s be honest – that first year pretty much consisted solely of designing a business card and hanging them anywhere visible to human eyes). But if I’m being real, I wasn’t prepared for the sacrifices that would have to be made when charging head first into this season. Sure, my husband and I are working for ourselves and in charge of our own calendar (which, truly, is AWESOME) – but weddings fall on the weekends when the rest of the world partakes in their celebrations, their memorials, their get-togethers. Saying yes to our dream of capturing other couples begin their lives together also means saying no to family and friends…often.

And the crazy thing?

The sacrifices become worth it when you realize the absolute insane privilege it is to be trusted to capture photographs that will become family heirlooms. It is a ridiculously beautiful honor to witness  – up close – every moment of one of the most important, personal days for two human beings. And okay, we sometimes get to eat cake and that helps. A LOT.

We weren’t planning on getting stuck in a tornado in Michigan, working for more than 10 hours a day every day, trying to figure out how to heal severe muscle spasms from carrying too much heavy gear, or saying no to things we wanted to say yes to. But we also didn’t plan on getting selected to be a part of the Junebug Wedding Professionals, having a bucket-list item come true (visiting voodoo donuts – hello, priorities), or gaining so many new relationships from those we have met along the way.

I’d say we’re winning.



  1. I can’t wait for you guys to be a part of our wedding next summer!! Enjoy the off season. Get some rest, and have lots of fun!!

  2. Ohhh, we are so excited for your day just the same!!! Xo

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