They Call Us Young Snow Birds

Posted on December 9, 2015 | 0 comments

*a road trip re-cap via iPhone photos*

Last week we threw on our velour track suits, grabbed our chess boards, and packed up the car to head South (West) with the rest of the elder generation. Of course those first two things aren’t true, but we did make our way from Northern Michigan to Southern California for some good ol’ winter hibernation.

We began our trek down through Chicago (to give extra kisses to the nephews of course) and journeyed on through Nebraska where we spotted cows. Actually, I mean where we were taken over by cows. So. Many. Cows.

And like every good road trip, you have to take a rest stop selfie.

To our surprise, we fell in love with Omaha. In Vafa fashion we headed straight for a brewery (there were almost too many in this town to choose from!) and landed on the most fantastic Farnam House Brewing Company.

One of our favorite things to do when exploring a new town is to ask the locals where to eat breakfast – our waitress from Farnam suggested a cafe that not only did not disappoint (helllooooo stuffed french toast, you are what my dreams are made of) but just so happened to be the oldest cafe in all of Omaha. Or Nebraska. Or perhaps it was in the oldest building? It was early and we didn’t have much coffee before hearing that fact, so don’t quote us.

The next day we moved onto Colorado, crashing in the oh-so-hip city of Denver the first night.

The drive through Colorado was a winner, for sure.

We moved into Durango, Colorado, staying with family friends who have HORSES (AMY. LOVES. HORSES. knows nothing about them, but loves them just the same) and explored the town in all it’s perfect glory (we can safely say Durango is one of our favorite cities yet).

The second morning in Durango we woke up to see the most perfect frosted snow decorating the fields and mountains. Sigh, it was so lovely.

The last leg of our trip was a healthy 12 hour trek through the bottom of Colorado, through Arizona, and into California towards the coast. Unexpectedly, we loved the views on this day, but sadly didn’t snap more than this one photo (which honestly doesn’t even do the landscapes justice).

The sun set behind the mountains just as we crossed into California, and a mix of tunes from Michael Bublé Christmas, bluegrass, and Coldplay’s new record crooned us into home.


With love from San Diego,
The Vafa’s

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