Pay it Forward
A Portion of YOUR Session
will go to Brooke Patmor & her work in Thailand and Burma.
WHO is Brooke?
Brooke is an amazing woman, a passionate heart, a free spirit who is bringing transformation one child at a time.
WHY Thailand/Burma?
There are more than 70,000 child soldiers in Burma – children used as slaves, human shields, minesweepers, porters, and sex slaves. This is more than any other country in the world.
The majority of child prostitutes in Thailand are from Burma or the hill tribes along the border and 80% of all Thailand’s prostitutes are under the age of 16.
Over 550,000 internally displaced people (IDP) within Burma, with the largest concentration along the Thailand-Burma border.
The World Health Organization ranked Burma’s health sector 190 out of 191 countries.
The majority of Burmese citizens subsists on an average annual income of less than $200 US per capita.
Access to education is compromised by lack of accessible schools, poverty, war, displacement, and low wages for teachers.
Officially, education in Burma is compulsory until the end of primary school, with the completion of 4th standard (or 4th grade). UNICEF reports that less than fifty percent of children actually achieve this.
One million women from Burma, southern China, Laos, and Vietnam have been trafficked into Thailand.
50% of the prostituted women in Chain Rai are Burmese. Thousands of indigenous Burmese women from Shan State in the north and from Keng Tung in Eastern Burma have been sold into brothels in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.
WHAT is Brooke doing?
Brooke is working with an organization called The Outpour Movement, which helps those in the refugee camps along the border of Thailand and Burma. Brooke specifically is developing a program for the kids at the refuge to receive tutoring and classes in English, providing them with extra curricular activities like sports, art, baking and sewing. She is also playing an active role in helping manage and support Famous Ray’s Bicycle Shop, a shop her friend has been running- as well as helping out at Famous Rays Burger Shop. The Bicycle shop gives employment to Burmese workers and provides programs for local street kids, while the profits from the restaurant helps support the refugee children’s home.
YOUR Part:
By booking your wedding with Vafa Photography, you are directly giving to the work Brooke is doing in Thailand and Burma. YOU are helping a child, bringing hope, sowing into restoration, building up education, and activating health. With YOUR wedding, you are investing into something so much larger than a few photos, you are changing lives.
[All Images ©Brooke Patmor]